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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Plattling OC1 style

The event in Platling (German Champs)was great. The organizers used session format which was awesome. The session format meant that for every heat the paddlers had 2 x number of paddlers minutes for their rides. Another rule was that a single ride could not exceed 30 secs.

I borrowed an OC1 form German paddler Markus Hilbel... Thanks again Markus!
It was a CU-Fly from Robson. I really enjoyed paddling it because it was something completely new to me. To my surprise it rolled very well and I was even able to do splits/cartwheels in it.

Anyway, it was my first time hole paddling in more than half a year (actually like 9 months...). My practice rides were not that bad so I thought I might be able to do good rides in the competition. It was not so... bugger that the whole event was fun and I rediscovered the joy of holeriding and got enthusiastic into building my own OC1.

In the OC1 I finished second in C1 I came 5th ( I managed to fuck up every single ride in the finals :)))

More photos here

So long

Cartwheeling wooohooo

Me and Daniel Shank sessioning

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