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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Kadan competition

Hi again
This weekend there is a competition in Kadan. I´ve been training there for the last two weekends so I hope I might do well in the competition.
Here is the official invitation for the event and actually for the whole Czech Cnawr tour:

In case anybody of you wants to participate in any of these events just send me an e-mail ( ) and I will help you with registration etc...

My routine for the competition:
Air loop
Space Godzilla left
Cartwheel+Clean cartwheel left
Phonix monkey right ( well my success rate for this trick is like 20% but an attempt wont spoil the ride hehe...)
Splitwheel left
Cartwheel+Clean Carthwheel right

I ve been frequently able to do the whole jumping part (loops and godzilla) without flushing and I hope I might do these three moves during the first 15 secs so I would have enough time for cartwheels and few Phonix monkey attempts... I really think there will be an amazing party on Saturday night so I wont mind if I wont make it to the finals... although I definitely should...

I am really busy these days since the exam period has started, so the articles I wanted to post will be a bit delayed... Anyway, look forward to Blunt technique, Kadan competition wrap-up and many more...

See you on one of the Czech Competitions


Stefi said...

Hey, cool Blog!
Your pictures and videos look great. I don't really like freestyle, but love to watch it.
How is the water in prague? (compared to swiss conditions, it's ugly) ;-)
keep trying...

Zoid said...

The water looks dirty, doesn´t it? But it is not that bad.
I plan to write an article about paddling in the Czech republic... It will be posted in a month or so. So check back again